A 3-Day Grassroots comics workshop was organized by Human Rights Commission of Pakistan in collaboration with World Comics Network. Training was held from 20-22 July from 20-22 July 2011at Karachi office of Human Rights Commission of Pakistan.
The 30 participants of the workshop hailed from Muslim, Hindu and Christian communities. They were students, teachers and activists.
The objective of workshop was to inculcate importance of ‘Tolerance’ in Pakistani society. To enhance communication between different communities grassroots comics workshops can provide opportunities to promote dialogue, tolerance and peaceful co-existence in the society.
During three days, participants successfully made comics wall posters on their stories with a message of ‘Tolerance’. Workshop was successfully concluded with the exhibitions of comics wall poster and certificate distribution.
ReplyDeleteI am the eastern hemisphere editor for a new international journal of crime fiction called Noir Nation. The first issue is due out September 1, 2011 and contains prose crime/noir stories and graphic stories (comics). Noir Nation is a literary e-journal for e-readers like the Kindle, Nook and iPad, and will be available anywhere in the world with internet access or cellphone reception. We feel that crime fiction is a very good way to explore contemporary struggles, character, and existence, the possibilities are endless.
I am trying to get in touch with writers and comic writer/artists in Pakistan who might be interested in writing or creating some crime/noir comics for our second issue. We pay, not a lot, but do offer world-wide exposure to English, Spanish, and French speaking markets, and the artists would retain the rights to their work and their original art.
If anyone is interested or knows of one who is interested I can send them more details. I am looking for male and female writer/artists who write/draw in the crime/noir category, however so far the response has been very male biased and I hope to have more women writers involved.
Alan Thomas
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