World Comics Network - Pakistan a group who love peace and comics. Yes Comics! You must be thinking what is the connection between peace and comics? The bond between two is the grassroots approach introduced by World Comics to Pakistan. A numbers of activists, students, teachers and artists have already tried this tool called Grassroots Comics in
Comics power is the logo of World Comics network. The network is active in
Grassroots Comics are different from the mainstream comics, These comics are made by common people themselves. These comics are photocopied and distributed to a limited area, which encourage local debate in the society. Grassroots Comics are inexpensive and method is not complicated, you just required a pen, paper and access to a copying machine to produce one.
What makes these comics different from professional material is the ownership of the content. The comics are pasted up in all possible locations i.e. village’s meeting place, bus stops, shops, offices, schools, on notice-boards and electricity poles or even on trees.
The campaign comics made by artists are not as close to reality as Grassroots Comics are. The local people understand their culture better. So the people are interested in what produced by their local activists or organizations locally.
The use of Grassroots Comics as a campaigning tool for organizations and people’s movement is a relatively new phenomenon and has been tested so far only in India, some other South Asian countries, in a few countries in Africa, Latin America, the Middle East and Europe.
Great work...