
World Comics Network - Pakistan a group who love peace and comics. Yes Comics! You must be thinking what is the connection between peace and comics? The bond between two is the grassroots approach introduced by World Comics to Pakistan. A numbers of activists, students, teachers and artists have already tried this tool called Grassroots Comics in Pakistan and journey is on...

Friday, May 29, 2009

Celebration of International Women’s Day with Comics

Indus Institute for Research and Education organized one-day exhibition of Grassroots Comics to mark the International Women’s Day on March 8, 2009 at Sindh Language Authority in Hyderabad,Pakistan. Apart from Pakistan there were comics from IndiaSriLanka and Nepal drawn by common people of these countries. More than 150 people participated from all walks of life. The seminar was organized to create awareness among people regarding women rights and pay tribute to the common women of our society who fought and tried to get their rights. Apart from Grassroots Comics, speeches, skit, poetry, songs and theater performance was prepared for the guests.