
World Comics Network - Pakistan a group who love peace and comics. Yes Comics! You must be thinking what is the connection between peace and comics? The bond between two is the grassroots approach introduced by World Comics to Pakistan. A numbers of activists, students, teachers and artists have already tried this tool called Grassroots Comics in Pakistan and journey is on...

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Certificate Distribution and Comics Exhibition
Grassroots Comics Workshop on Environment with City District Government School Teachers of Karachi, Pakistan. Green Learn-n- Fun Programme, WWF and SSGC and World Comics Network - Pakistan

Grassroots Comics Reached Nawabshah!

A Three-day training on Grassroots Comics as a Teaching-Learning Tool and Environmental Education for Government School Teachers’ was organized by Indus for All Programme, WWF - Pakistan from 22 -24 Sep, 2010 at Nawabshah, Sindh. Workshop was conducted by Nida Shams and Muhammad Zafar Khan.

Friday, October 15, 2010


FAROZAAN - Monthly Magazine on Environment - October 2010. Comics by Azmeena and Shumaila

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Our New Trainers!

A one day Training of Trainers' session for a selected group of Mass Communication students from University of Karachi - 26th sep 2010